customer-privacy-faqs - Favor

Privacy and data security at Favor Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

We value your privacy. These frequently asked questions (FAQs) seek to answer common customer and consumer questions about how Favor (collectively, Favor, we, us, or our), protects your personal information and honors consumer privacy requests (Privacy Requests). For additional information about how and why we collect, use, and disclose personal information about you and about our privacy rights program, please review our Privacy Policy.

Privacy rights

What privacy rights do consumers have?

  • To know whether Favor is processing their personal data
  • To access certain personal data processed by Favor (and receive a copy)
  • To correct certain of their personal data
  • To delete certain of their personal data
  • To opt out of targeted advertising or the sale of personal data

How do I make a Privacy Request?

You may access, correct, or delete certain information stored within your online account and through our Privacy Portal

The Privacy Portal contains a self-service process in which you will fill out a form, largely guided by drop-downs, to indicate which Privacy Request you would like to make, verify that you are a Texas resident, and provide information necessary to verify you are in our systems. Once you complete the form, you must access the phone number associated with the account to verify yourself and demonstrate control of the Favor account. Once you have done so, we will process your request.

If you do not have access to the Internet or are not able  to fill out the form on your own, please see “Is there an alternative request method?” section below.  

For a request to opt out of the sale of personal data or targeted advertising that is non-cookie based, you may use the Privacy Portal webform. To opt out of cookie-based or similar technologies online, click on the “Your Privacy Choices” link in the footer of our web pages and fill out that form.

What information do I need to submit a Privacy Request?

You will need:

  • The ability to confirm you are a Texas resident
  • The first and last name associated with your Favor account or for which you believe Favor maintains personal information about you
  • The email address and phone number associated with your Favor account or for which you believe Favor maintains personal information about you

What information can I correct?

  • First name
  • Last name 
  • Phone number 
  • Email address
  • Street address

Is there an alternative request method?

Yes. If you do not have access to the internet or are not able to fill out the form on your own, you may email A support representative will contact you to verify your identity and your control of the applicable Favor account. Once verified, you will be required to provide the necessary information so that a support representative can assist with entering it into the Privacy Portal.  Once you have done so, we will process your request.

Am I a consumer under Texas privacy laws?

You are a “consumer” under the Texas consumer privacy law if you are an individual who is a resident of Texas acting only in an individual or household context.  

The Texas privacy laws do not extend to employee, contractor, commercial, or enterprise personal data, although Favor strives to protect that information as well.

If I’ve ordered from Favor but don’t live in Texas, can I make a request?

No. Favor only operates in Texas and is subject only to the Texas consumer privacy law (known as the Texas Data Protection and Security Act or TDPSA). The TDPSA provides privacy rights to consumers who are Texas residents.

Why do I have to provide this information and verify access to the phone number or email associated with my Favor account?

Favor must match the information you provide to the information in our customer database to assure we action the request of the correct person and to protect and avoid providing personal information to fraudsters, spammers, and spoofers or individuals trying to take over an email account or get information about another person that they do not have a right to.

How many Privacy Requests can I submit a year?

The Texas consumer privacy law allows you to submit two Privacy Requests a year.

What happens after a Privacy Request form has been submitted?

A validation text will be sent to the phone number associated with  your Favor account. You must follow the instructions on the webpage to enter the verification code provided. Once validated, the request is routed to Favor for work to begin. 

Favor may require you to verify access to your provided email account and the telephone number associated with your account by requiring email and text message responses (verification across both email and text messaging). If you are making a request in that situation, please make sure to check email and text messages so that you can verify your request and we can process it.

Once the request is completed, you will:

  • Receive a link to our portal to obtain your report;
  • Receive a message advising that your request has been completed (e.g., correction or deletion); or 
  • Receive an email that no action has been taken as we are unable to make a match on the information provided

Are these forms available in any other language? 


Where can I check my request status?

Status and results will be communicated through email.

Targeted advertising and sales

What is “targeted advertising” and what happens when I opt out of it?

We use technologies to collect information about your online activities over time and across third-party websites. We also work with third-parties to serve ads to you as part of customized campaigns on third-party platforms (such as Google and Facebook). These entities may use cookies, web beacons, SDKs, device identifiers, and other technologies to collect information about your use of our services and other websites and mobile apps. 

This information is used to deliver advertising targeted to your interests on other companies’ sites or mobile apps and to analyze and track data, determine the popularity of certain content, and better understand your online activity.

Some of these activities may constitute “targeted advertising” or “selling” under certain applicable privacy laws.

If you opt out of targeted advertising or set other preferences and subsequently delete or reset your cookies, those opt-outs or preferences may be lost.

You may still see “contextual” ads even if you opt out of targeted advertising. Contextual ads are based on the context of what you are looking at on the websites and pages you visit (e.g., you are on a website page concerning BBQ and a Favor ad for local BBQ delivery is displayed). Even if you opt out of targeted advertising you will still receive these contextual advertisements.

Note that opting out of targeted advertising may impact the availability of certain promotions or offers from Favor and/or the functionality of certain Favor customer programs.

What is a “sale” under the Texas privacy law?

Under the Texas consumer privacy law, the transfer, disclosure, or sharing of personal data for monetary or other valuable consideration to a third-party may be considered a “sale.” Accordingly, some instances where we share your data with vendors or partners may be considered a sale.  This does not apply when we share personal data at your direction or when we share data with our service providers who only use data to assist us in delivering our services and in the way we instruct them.

If we ever engage in conduct that meets the definition of a “sale” under the law, we will honor your opt out of “sale” through the Privacy Rights Portal and the form at the “Your Privacy Choices” link.

Information responsive to a Privacy Request

What information will Favor provide me if I make an access request?

Favor searches relevant systems that contain consumer data in order to respond to access requests.  Once that process is completed, we will provide a report to you at your verified email address which will be available for two years to access, print, or download.

Favor provides all personal information required under the TDPSA in its possession.

Much of the information provided in that report is available at your account profile.

What form will the report be in? 

It will be a printable PDF.

What information will not be in my report?

Under the Texas consumer privacy law, there are certain types of data or systems that Favor is not required to search or provide in response to an access request. Examples of this type of data include data that is covered by other laws, such as pharmacy or health data covered by HIPAA, data that is burdensome to collect, certain pseudonymized data, data that could compromise the security of Favor’s systems, or data that would reveal trade secrets.What if my data was provided to Favor by a third-party?

Even if your data was provided by a third-party, if we can match it to you and it is not exempted from access under the Texas consumer privacy law, we will include it in your report.

If you make a deletion request that implicates third-party data, we will flag the data to avoid future use and where possible relay the deletion request to the vendor who provided the data. 

If you would like the data deleted entirely, we encourage you to directly contact the company providing the data. The Texas Secretary of State maintains a registry of data brokers who meet certain criteria that triggers mandatory registration.What if Favor has no personal information for me?

If no match is made, you will receive a message from us advising that no action has been taken as we are unable to make a match on the information provided.

What personal information is subject to deletion? 

Most account information will be subject to deletion. If Favor is required by law to retain certain information for set periods of time (i.e., related to a legal hold), that information will not be deleted on request.  

Note that if you make a deletion request and you are also a Favor Runner, your Runner account will be permanently deleted along with your customer account.  You will no longer be able to run on the Favor platform and your information may not be used to open a new Runner account in the future. 

How long does the process take?

It can take up to 45 days to fulfill a Privacy Request with an optional 45-day extension if we need additional time to complete your request.

What if I disagree with the outcome of my Privacy Request?

If you believe we have improperly denied your request, you may file an appeal.  An appeal form will be available at the time of denial.