runner-privacy-supplement - Favor

Favor Runner Supplement to Favor Privacy Policy

Supplemental Disclosures for Favor Runners 

This supplement to the Favor Privacy Policy explains what personal information we collect, use, disclose, and otherwise process about you when you register for a Favor Runner account and make Favor deliveries as a Runner (“Runner Information”). 

In addition to the personal information discussed in the Privacy Policy sections titled “Information We May Collect About You” and “How We May Collect Personal Information,” we also collect Runner Information you provide directly to us, information that we obtain from third parties including references and from background check providers, and information about you that we develop during our interactions with you.  The types of personal information we may collect or develop include:

  • Identifiers: We may collect identifiers, such as your name, mailing address, email address, phone number, driver’s license, passport number, social security number, visas, and work authorizations.  We may also collect photographs and selfies for identity verification purposes. 
  • Demographic Information: We may collect demographic information when required by law or if you voluntarily submit such information as part of your registration. 
  • Professional Information: We may collect professional or employment-related information, such as your resume or CV, cover letter, work history, educational information, professional licenses, and other experience, as well as contact information for both references and your current employer, information provided by references, background checks, and our assessments of recruitment information. 
  • Social Networking and Similar Information: We may collect social media information, to the extent permitted by law, such as social media and public profile information, including URLs related to your LinkedIn, Facebook, and your personal website. 
  • Other Information You Provide: We may collect other information that you submit, including additional information provided in the account registration and further described in our Runner Software Agreement and/or Runner policies and procedures. 
  • Necessary Information: If and to the extent relevant for a specific role, we may collect information necessary to run a background check, such as information obtained either from you or through reference and background checks, subject to any further permissions or notifications required and/or permitted by applicable law. 
  • Sensitive Personal Information: In some cases, we may collect sensitive personal information about you, which requires a higher level of protection. Please be assured that we will only use such sensitive information to process your application and evaluate your candidacy as reasonably expected by an average person — and in accordance with applicable law. For information on the collection, use, storage, and retention of biometric data, see below. 
  • Biometric Data, Identifiers, and Facial Recognition Information: When you register to be a Runner, you will be asked to provide our third-party verification service provider (“Verification Vendor”) with photographs, including selfies, and a government-issued ID for identification purposes. From those, our Verification Vendor may use facial recognition technology to derive a biometric identifier, such as a scan of your face geometry or similar biometric data (“Biometric Identifier”). Our Verification Vendor may use the Biometric Identifier for identification purposes, to make sure you are the Runner making the delivery that your login credentials are not being misused, for quality assurance, or to identify, prevent, or address fraud or theft.  At the time you register to be a Runner, you will be asked to consent to our Verification Vendor collecting, using, storing, and retaining your Biometric Identifier for the purposes described in this section. The Verification Vendor will not provide your Biometric Identifier to Favor, but it will report passed, failed, or null matches or incidents of suspected fraud to us. The Verification Vendor will retain your Biometric Identifier during the time you act as a Runner and up to a year following your last delivery or disengagement from the Runner platform. For additional information on how our Verification Vendor collects, uses, stores, and retains your Biometric Identifier at our direction, please see their Privacy Policy, available here.  

In addition to the uses of personal information discussed in the Privacy Policy section titled “How We May Use Personal Information,” we use personal information to comply with statutory obligations we have in relation to your application, including confirming your eligibility to work in a given location. These purposes include:

  • Administering and processing your registration, including verifying your identification, age, identity, experience, and other information you submit. 
  • Communicating with you about your registration. 
  • Assessing and evaluating your suitability to be given access to a Runner account. 
  • Conducting reference and background checks, including criminal records checks. 
  • To enable you to participate in interactive features of the Service, including the Favor app (such as communications between customers and Runners). 
  • Complying with applicable laws. 
  • For other notified purposes with your consent.

In addition to the ways your Personal Information may be disclosed, as discussed in the Privacy Policy section titled “How Personal Information May Be Disclosed”, we may share information related to amounts paid to you with our third-party payment processor and the relevant taxing authorities for tax purposes, as further described in our Runner Software Agreement.

If you become a Favor Runner, your Runner Information will become part of your Runner record and will be used in accordance with applicable law. If you are not accepted for a Runner role, however, we may still keep your Runner Information, to allow us to consider you for other career opportunities and provided that, if required by applicable laws, we have obtained your prior consent for such longer retention of your Personal Information.

If you use the Favor app as a customer, the Personal Information you provide to us will be collected, processed, shared, and retained consistent with the Favor Privacy Policy.

Last Updated; June 28, 2024